Готовимся к олимпиаде

Памятка для учащихся: как готовится к олимпиаде

Олимпиада -  всегда психологическое напряжение, стресс. И это нормальная реакция организма. Легкие эмоциональные всплески полезны, они положительно сказываются на работоспособности и усиливают умственную деятельность. Но эмоциональное перенапряжение зачастую оказывает обратное действие.                                

Советы участникам олимпиад:
Нужно ставить перед собой цель, которая вам по силам. Не стоит бояться ошибок.Известно, что не ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает.
Необходимо заблаговременно ознакомиться с правилами и процедурой олимпиады, это снимет эффект неожиданности.                          
Начинай готовиться к олимпиаде заранее, понемногу, по частям, сохраняя спокойствие.
Если очень трудно собраться с мыслями, постарайся запомнить сначала самое лёгкое, а потом переходи к изучению трудного материала.
Тренировка в решении заданий поможет ориентироваться в разных типах заданий, рассчитывать время.
Подготовка к олимпиаде требует достаточно много времени, но она не должна занимать абсолютно все время. Последние24 часа должны уйти на подготовку организма, а не знаний. Внимание и концентрация ослабевают, если долго заниматься однообразной работой. Меняйте умственную деятельность на двигательную. Оптимально делать 10-15 минутные перерывы после40-50 минут занятий. 
              Питание должно быть 3-4разовым, калорийным и богатым витаминами. Употребляй в пищу грецкие орехи,молочные продукты, рыбу, мясо, овощи, фрукты, шоколад, полезно больше пить простую или минеральную воду, зеленый чай, но нельзя переедать. Соблюдайте режим сна и отдыха.

Рекомендации по заучиванию материала:

               Заучиваемый материал рекомендуется повторять сразу в течение 15-20 минут, через 8-9 часов и через 24часа. Полезно повторять материал за 15-20 минут до сна и утром, на свежую голову. При каждом повторении нужно осмысливать ошибки и обращать внимание на более трудные места.

Как вести себя во время олимпиады:

Перед олимпиадой обязательно выспись.
Одежду,письменные принадлежности, «талисман» – приготовь заранее, в день перед олимпиадой. С собой обязательно должны быть: минимум 2 ручки, карандаш, точилка,стиральная резинка, носовой платок. Одежда должна быть спокойных тонов.
За день до тестирования постарайся ничего не учить. Если чего-то недоучил, лучше не пытайся. Дай отдохнуть организму.
Слушай преподавателя внимательно, чтобы не отвлекаться в дальнейшем и не задавать лишних вопросов.
Не торопись! Читай задание до конца. Спешка не должна приводить к тому, что ты поймёшь задание по первым словам, а концовку придумаешь сам. Но помни, что время регламентировано, а тебе нужно сделать тест и заполнить бланк.
Просмотри все вопросы и начни с тех, в ответах которых ты не сомневаешься. Тогда ты успокоишься и войдёшь в рабочий ритм.
Действуй методом исключения! Последовательно исключай те ответы, которые явно не подходят.
Если ты сомневаешься в правильности ответа, тебе сложно сделать выбор. Доверься интуиции!
Оставь время для проверки своей работы хотя бы для того, чтобы успеть пробежать глазами и заметить явные ошибки.

Материалы для подготовки к олимпиаде


English Grammar in Use. Raymond Murphy

A Practical English Grammar. A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet
English Grammar. Reference and Practice. Т.Ю. Дроздова, А.И. Берестова, В.Г. Маилова
CPE Use of English Examination Practice. Virginia Evans
Successful Writing Profeciency. Virginia Evans
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced
English Idioms in Use


LIngueLeo – онлайн сервис для практики языка.

Первый этап республиканской олимпиады по английскому языку в 10 классе (2014-2015гг)

Lexical-Grammar  Test 10 Form
I. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
On the 15th of October, two men 1 … (try) to get to the top of Everest. They 2  … (make) their camp at the bottom of the mountain. They 3 … (feel) very well in it.  It 4 … (be) the highest camp on the mountain.  The night before the climb, they 5 … (drink) tea with then and had supper. They 6 … (discuss) what to take with them to the top. They 7 … (decide) to leave their sleeping bags and tents behind because the equipment 8 … (be) too heavy.
Early in the morning they 9 … (have) breakfast and 10 … (get) dressed. Then they 11 … (start) to go up the mountain. It 12 …      (be) extremely difficult. The snow 13 … (be) very deep. After a long, hard fight the 14          … (reach) the top together. They 15 …  (laugh), 16 …      (shout) and 17 … (take) some photographs.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the Passive Voice.
1.       The computer       (use) at that moment. Wait a minute, please.
A   is being used  В   is used
2.       How often  elections for President   (hold) in Russia?
A  are … being held      В   are … held
3.       Lorries       (not make) at this plant.
A   are not made  В   are not being made
4.       The room   (warm) by an electric fire when it is cold.
A  is being warmed       В   is warmed
5.       Every year my old uncle        (give) a cheque and a present by his manager.
A  is given  В   is being given.

III. Choose the right variant.
1) My         … cars are in the garage.
a) son’s-in-law’s; b) sons’-in-laws; c) sons-in-law’s; d) sons’-in-law.
2) Last year the Blacks had a … holiday.
a) four weeks’; b) four week; c) four weeks; d) four weeks.
3) The doctor’s car is outside … house. Someone must have fallen ill there.
a) the Browns; b) the Browns’; c) Browns’; d) the Browns’ family.
4) After … period of drought it started raining every day.
a) six month;       b) a six months’;  c) a six months;  d) the six months.
5) If the … is left open, the optics will burn out.
а) machine’s lid;  b) lid of machine; c) lid of the machine; d) lid of a machines.

IV. Fill in the right article.
1) … people of …         Mexico City felt …       ground shake several times on         …
September 19, 1985.
a)  -, the, the, -.  B) The, -, -, the; c) The, -, the, -; d) -,  -, the, -.
2) … Rubber can be made from … latex, … sap of … rubber tree.
 a) -, the, a, the; b)  -, -, the, a; c) The, -, a, a; d) -, the, a, -.
3) … satellite is … body that moves in … orbit about … larger body.
a) A, the, the, a; b) A, a, an, a;  c) The, the, the, a; d) -, the, the, a.

V.  Choose the right preposition.
My younger sisters, Jean and Alice, are twins. Although they are very similar (with, by, to) each other in some ways, they differ (to, from, of) each other in other ways. They agree (with, on, at) many things; for example, they are both fond (in, of, at) animals, so they have a lot to talk (to, with, about). When they first went (at, into, to) school our Mum and Dad insisted (to; at, on) them being put (at, by, in) different classes. Jean is now good (in, with, at) gymnastics and art but Alice is keen (on, at, of) maths. Alice is also doing well (at, on, in) history but is not interested (with, at, in) sport.

VI. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a word formed from the word given in brackets.
1.      In England you can leave school at the age of 16 and you can marry with your parents’ … (permit).
2.      Doctors say that a good … (laugh) and tears are very good for fighting stress.
3.       … (Spain) conquered South America in the 16th century.
4.      The teachers and parents spoke out against … (violent)       on TV and cinema screen.
5.      People in different countries have their own customs, traditions, languages and' … (believe).
6.      In Hindi … (marry)       ceremonies, the bride and the bridegroom are joined with a white cloth.
7.      She’s got an enormous ‘ … (various) of flowers in her garden.
8.      Being stuck in traffic queues is always hours of … (bore)    and wasted time

9.      I’m sure that … (friend) is the most fascinating thing in the world.

Первый этап республиканской олимпиады по английскому языку в 11 классе (2014-2015гг)

Lexical-Grammar  Test   Form 11.

I. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Inside your head is a remarkable organ, the brain. You use it to understand and remember things that 1 … (happen) around you. The brain is soft and spongy. It 2 …  (make) of billions of tiny parts called cells. Three coats or membranes … (cover) the brain. The brain sometimes 4 …    (call) the busiest communication centre in the world. The brain 5 … (control) your body functions and keeps all parts of your body working together. Thousands of messages from all parts of the body  6 … (send) to and from the brain. Messages 7 … (carry) to the brain by sensory nerves. Special places, or centres, on the brain receive sensory messages from all parts оf the body. When messages 8 … (receive) by centres, thebrain 9 … (interpret) them. All day long your muscles and your brain 10 … (work). By the end of the day they 11 …  (be tired). Then your brain and your muscles 12 … (start) to relax. Before long, you go to sleep. As you sleep, the big muscle in your body relax.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the Passive Voice.
1.     Wait a minute, please. Your report …      (type).
A . is typed В.   Is being typed
2.     English … (speak) all over the world.
A.   is spoken      В.   Is being spoken
3.     I didn’t realize that our conversation        … (record) by somebody.
A.   was being recorded В.   Was recorded
4.     My umbrella … (take) by somebody. It has disappeared.
A.   was taken      В.   Has been taken
5.     Roy said they … (take) by his wife for a walk.
A.   would be taken       В.   Will be taken
6.     Do you know where the helicopter …      (construct).
A . was constructed      В.   Has been constructed
7.     My room … (clean) at the moment I arrived.
A.   was being cleaned   В.   Was cleaned

III.  Choose the right variant.
1)      Before the game each …         name is written on a card.
a) child; b) child’s; c) children’s; d) childrens.
2) … in the field of atomic-molecular theory were not accepted in his time.
a) Lomonosov’s works; b) Lomonosov’ works; c) Lomonosovs’ works; d) The works of Lomonosov’s.
3) ... law is one of the basic laws in physics.
a) Archimedes; b) Archimede’s; c) Archimedes’; d)Archimede.
4) President         … election was widely forecast by the palls.
a) Clinton; b) Clinton’s; c) Clintons; d) Clintons’.
5) After a day’s work in the garden, all the … were dirty.
a) student’s hands; b) students hands; c) students’ hands; d) students’ hand.

IV.  Choose the right variant
 1) … people of …        Mexico City felt …       ground shake several times on         …
September 19, 1985.
a)  -, the, the, -.  B) The, -, -, the; c) The, -, the, -; d) -,  -, the, -.
2) … Rubber can be made from … latex,  … sap of … rubber tree.
 a) -, the, a, the; b)   -, -, the, a; c) The, -, a, a; d) -, the, a, -.
3) … satellite is … body that moves in … orbit about … larger body.
a) A, the, the, a; b) A, a, an, a;   c) The, the, the, a; d) -, the, the, a.

V. Choose the right variant.
I’m sure, you have heard of the Shopping Channel (in, on, at) TV. Most of the products (at, in, on) sale are useless things, which go (from, out of, down) fashion quickly. Two weeks ago, I switched (at, on, to) this Shopping Channel (at, by, for) a change and one product immediately attracted my attention. It was an exercise machine which I thought would help me to get fit without leaving the house. The machine was delivered free (at, for, of) charge the next day. My flat is (at, in, on) the fourth floor, and the lift was (out, down, up) of order, so I had to carry it up the stairs. Finally I got it unpacked and then spent the next three hours trying to put it together correctly which put me (at, to, in) a very bad mood. Besides, the machine was very big, and it was (on, by, in) the way in the lounge. I tried to move it (at, to, for) another room, but I couldn’t, as it was too heavy. I finally dismantled it, put it back in the box and stored it (at, to, in) the garage.

VI. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a word formed from the word given in brackets.
1.      Most women really want … (equal) in their family relationships.
2.      Remember that your examination paper should not be more than 200 words in … (long).        
3.      You are to leave the room key at the        … (receive) desk when you leave the hotel.
4.      The proud … (own) of a new camera, Bobby eagerly snaps shots of his family.
5.      The … (entre) to the hotel is rather grand with statues on both sides.
6.      These formulas are meaningless to all but … (mathematics).
7.      I am surprised at his parents’ … (generous)      in giving  Jack so much pocket money.
8. … (divide) in the football tournament contains ten teams from as far as Southampton and Glasgow.   
9.      They have installed in the … (major) of their aircraft large cupboards above the seats.
10.    Please, remember to take your … (member) card with you.

VII. Choose the appropriate adverb/adjective to complete the sentences.
1.      I’ve been really busy (late/lately), so I haven’t been out much.
2.      Martin’s office is (near/nearly) the vending machines.
3.      Monopolies tend to keep their prices and profits (high/highly) by restricting the supply of a good.
4.      Opinion is (sharp/sharply) divided in the local community.
5.      Please stand (clear/clearly) of the doors.
6.      Seeing her tears, he stopped (short/shortly).

Listening Comprehension Test.     Form 10,  2014/2015

A Velveteen Rabbit
Shabby – потрепанный
A lawn – лужайка
" Fancy all this fuss for a toy!" - стоит ли так переживать…!
Scarlet fever – скарлатина
A tear [tie] – cлезa
There was once a Velveteen Rabbit, and at the beginning he was really so splendid that the Boy loved him and never parted with him. But sometimes the Rabbit was put with the other toys in the nursery and could listen to their stories about Real Things. "What is that?" the Rabbit asked the Wooden Horse who had lived a very long life. " Real isn't how you are made. It's a thing that happens to you. When a child really loves you for a long time, then you become Real. It doesn't happen all at once. It takes a long time. But once you are real, you'll never become unreal again", explained the Wooden Horse. The Velveteen Rabbit thought it would be wonderful if this nursery Magic ever happened to him.
So time went on and the little rabbit was very happy though he was getting shabbier and shabbier. And once when the Boy was called away to go out to some tea, the rabbit was left alone on the lawn. Later that evening the Nurse looked for him but couldn't find him. The Boy cried that he wouldn't fall asleep until he had his Rabbit. "Fancy all this fuss for a toy!" said his mother." He isn't a toy! He's real!". The little Rabbit heard him say that magic word and he knew that what the Wooden Horse had said to him had become true at last.
The magic had happened to him. He was Real. The Boy himself had said that. And into his button eyes there came a wise knowing expression.
But then one day, the Boy fell ill with scarlet fever. The little Rabbit lay still at his side under the bedclothes as he didn't want anyone to notice him. He was afraid they would throw him away. Time passed and the Boy got better and was allowed to get up. It only remained to carry out the doctor's orders. All the books and toys that the Boy had played with had to be burnt. So the little Rabbit was put into a sack with old books and a lot of rubbish. And while the Boy was sleeping in another room with a new Velveteen Rabbit, the old one felt so miserable and lonely that suddenly a tear, a real tear trickled down his little velvet nose and fell to the ground.

Listening Comprehension Test Form 10 2014/2015

A Velveteen Rabbit     
I.          Choose the best variant according to the text.
1)        To become Real according to the Wooden Horse meant:
a)      what you are made of b) a thing that happens to you
c)        to fall in love with somebody d) to make one's dreams come true
2)        The Wooden Horse explained to the Velveteen Rabbit that to become Real a)     takes a long time b) happens at once
c)        is possible when a child loves you for some time
d)        is possible when Magic happens to you.
3)        Once the Velveteen Rabbit was left alone
a)        in the nursery b) in the sack c) under the bedclothes d) on the lawn
4)        The Boy cried that he wouldn't fall asleep until a) he had a new Rabbit b) he had his Rabbit
c)        he had a new toy      d) he had some milk
5)        The Rabbit still lay at the Boy's side because
a)        the Boy didn't want anyone to see that he was there.
b)        the Boy wanted to have him at his side.
c)        the nurse put him there.
d)        it was the doctor's order.
6)        Time passed and the Velveteen Rabbit felt a) afraid b) happy c) lonely d) sad
II.        Write TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
1)        The Boy didn't want to part with the Rabbit because it was his only toy.
2)        The Boy fell ill with scarlet fever.
3)        The Rabbit was lost on the lawn when the Boy was once called to a
birthday party.
4)        The Boy called the Rabbit "real".
5)        The Rabbit had to be thrown away.
III.       Complete the sentences as close to th$ text as possible. 
1)        Once you are real,   .
2)        The Velveteen Rabbit thought it would be wonderful if this 
3)        The Boy was afraid they would .
4)        The old Rabbit felt so, that a tear, a real tear trickled down his little velvet nose.

Listening Comprehension     Form 11    2014/2015

I've lived in Denmark now for nearly four years, and I've changed a lot within this time. I've become more fashionable, more ... Danish - if I'm allowed to say that.
But one thing hasn't changed about me. And that is my inability to cooperate with or understand Danish supermarket culture. As someone who was raised in the United States, I've always been used to grocery stores with a selection of food choices. And a high level of service. In an American store, one can find a kind of product with a thousand different brandings and types. But when I walk into a Danish grocery store I want to burst into tears because I'm so bored with the selection. There're few fruits and vegetables. Everything is so boring and plain and demanding of hard kitchen work that you just wish some American food companies could establish here and import some ready made dinners.
I know I should be ashamed of saying this, but I do miss American convenience. In Denmark, making a homemade meal requires at least 30 dollars spent at the grocery and 2 hours in the kitchen. For instance, at my local grocery store, nothing is allowed to be under 4 dollars. That's right, it's called organic and healthy food, free of anything synthetic. But I do miss synthetic food.
The whole Danish, "do-it-yourself" attitude prevails! Take, for example, bagging your food - no one will do it for you. The only way to really understand what I mean is to imagine that if you've come from America and you're used to certain things with service and product selection and then you move here - it is truly different in Denmark. I have lived in Iceland, England and Spain and I still find the grocery stores much better and with more selection in those countries. However, how could anyone take me serious when I say, "I miss synthetic food"? That sounds sarcastic, and I see that it is wrong and disgusting that American food is filled up with so much nonsense. I really appreciate that in Denmark the food is free of everything unnatural and it can be seen on Danes - most of them look healthy and fit here. But once in a while I miss the vastness of an American grocery store!
I want to add that I am Danish, I was born in Denmark, lived here for 5 years as a child and then moved to America where I lived most of my life. I moved back here a few years ago and I love the country. I speak Danish. I'm not an immigrant in Denmark who is unsatisfied with the way of life here and who should move back to the States. I'm a student and of course it takes 2 hours to make a meal on my own. 

Listening Comprehension Test Form 11

1.         The narrator was brought up mainly in   (5 points)
a)        Denmark
b)        England
c)        The USA.
2.         The narrator is not happy about Danish grocery stores because (5 points)
a)        the quality of the products is very poor
b)        they are too small
c)        the selection of food is very poor.
3.         The narrator criticizes        ( 5 points)
a)        the lifestyle in Denmark
b)        Danish supermarkets
c)        the Danish diet.
4.         The prices in Danish stores are quite high because      ( 5 points)
a)        the level of service is very high
b)        everything is imported from abroad
c)        all foods are natural.
5.         According to the unwritten rules of Danish supermarket culture ( 7 points)
a)        you pack air the food you buy on your own, without any help
b)        shop assistants are always ready to pack your food for you
c)        there are clerks whose duty is to help you with your bagging.
6.         When the narrator says, " I do miss American convenience" it means that
(7 points)
a)        he wants ready-made dinners to be delivered to his place
b)        he wants to rent a flat near a big supermarket
c)        he doesn't like to spend much time cooking his meals.
7.         Having lived in Denmark for a few years as a student, the narrator
i           (6 points)
a)        feels nostalgic about the USA
b)        believes Denmark to be a good place for him
c)        pities Danish people.

1 комментарий:

  1. Для качественного изучения английского, я бы выбрала обучение с носителем. Предложу рассмотреть школу английского языка EnglishPapa.ru https://englishpapa.ru так как, по цене там намного дешевле и преподаватель отличный. Обучаюсь у них уже на протяжении 6 месяцев и довольна.
